L-Carnosine (beta-alanyl-L-histidine) is a dipeptide of the amino acids beta-alanine and histidine. It is highly concentrated in muscle and brain tissues.
L-Carnosine and carnitine were discovered by Russian chemist V.Gulevich.Researchers in Britain,South Korea,Russiaand other countries have shown that carnosine has a number of antioxidant properties that may be beneficial. Carnosine has been proven to scavenge reactive oxygen species (ROS ) as well as alpha-beta unsaturatedaldehydes formed from peroxidation of cell membrane fatty acids during oxidative stress. Carnosine is also a zwitterion, a neutral molecule with a positive and negative end. Like carnitine, carnosine is composed of the root word carn, meaning flesh , alluding to its prevalence in animal protein. A vegetarian (especially vegan) diet is deficient in adequate carnosine, compared to levels found in a standard diet.