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Echinacea Purpurea Extract – Immune Booster Antiviral

Since the 18th century, the Indians of North America began to know how to use Echinacea as a treatment for snake venom, mosquitoes, poisonous sores, etc. In the early 20th century, the biochemical community began to discover that Echinacea extract has the function of enhancing the body\’s natural defense system. , especially in the face of infectious pathogens, it has an excellent effect. In Europe and the United States, products using Echinacea extract as raw materials have occupied the first position in annual sales of botanical medicines for several years. Especially in Germany and France, echinacea extracts and their preparations have become household medicines. In the sales ranking of medicinal plants in the United States, Echinacea has ranked first for 5 consecutive years, and has been in the forefront of the European and American herbal medicine market for 8 consecutive years. The immune activity of Echinacea has received widespread attention at home and abroad. Echinacea is native to North America. By nourishing bone marrow cells, it has a positive effect on improving body resistance, fighting colds and eliminating fatigue. Echinacea products are also widely used not only in North America, but also in Europe, Oceania, Japan and Korea.

Shaanxi Rainwood Biotech Co., Ltd. have  professional production of Echinacea Purpurea Extract and other products for 15 years, is recognized as a professional plant extract manufacturers

More and more people have realized that the health of the human body ultimately depends on their own immunity. If the immunity is strong, the resistance will be strong, and it will be able to resist the intrusion of various diseases. Therefore, people all over the world are actively looking for ways to strengthen themselves. Immunity, a good recipe for improving body function. Since the 1990s, in European and American countries, many people who care about their health have begun to take echinacea products to strengthen their body functions and improve their immunity. With the deepening of immunological research, scientists have found that the decline in bone marrow quality is the root cause of low immunity. For every 10% increase in the ruddy bone marrow of the human body, the incidence of cancer will be reduced by 66%, and the physical condition will be 9 years younger. Echinacea is the symbol of North American botanical medicine, and it is also recognized by the world as a plant with the functions of nourishing bone marrow and enhancing immunity. The results of bone marrow determination of 45 ethnic groups around the world show that Indians are the race with the best bone marrow status. Investigators analyzed that this is directly related to the Indians\’ preference for Echinacea. Even today, in traditional Indian settlements, Indians can be seen everywhere with Echinacea branches and leaves in their mouths. The U.S. FDA recommends that people take daily healthy foods containing the active ingredient of echinacea to strengthen bone marrow and prevent disease. Many people buy echinacea products in bulk to keep at home. In addition to enhancing immunity, Echinacea is widely used in diseases that have occurred but have not yet penetrated into the body or become chronic diseases, especially in the prevention and shortening of common colds, influenza and related diseases. It has a very special effect. Echinacea has definite effects on the treatment of sore throat, colds, colds, and mild to moderate infections, effectively shortening the course of colds and speeding up the recovery of the body. The mechanism of action of echinacea extract includes immune stimulation, enhancing the lethality of immune cells in the body to pathogens, inhibiting virus replication and anti-inflammatory effects.

The American Herbal Products Association gives Echinacea a first-class safety rating. Therefore, as long as you take it as directed by your doctor or on the label, you are relatively safe. In Germany, the duration of use of echinacea extract is limited to 8 weeks. Consult a doctor for long-term use. Echinacea extract can rarely cause allergic reactions.

Echinacea purpurea extract (Echinacea purpurea extract) comes from the herbaceous flowering plants of Compositae. It contains active ingredients such as cichoric acid, polysaccharides and alkamides. Antibacterial and antiviral effects, can be used to prevent or treat colds and promote wound healing in the early stage of disease.

Echinacea extract contains many components, including a variety of active components, which mainly contain phenolic acids, polysaccharides, alkaneamides, polyethylene, glycoproteins, etc. Among them, phenolic acids, polysaccharides and alkylamides are closely related to the regulation of the immune system. In Echinacea plants, the content of phenolic acids is quite high, which has multiple biological activities, including anti-inflammatory, preventing thrombosis, inhibiting tumor proliferation, anti-oxidation, scavenging free radicals and other functions.

Although Echinacea extract contains many ingredients, its extract has almost no specific pungent smell, usually just a refreshing and slightly herbaceous smell, without bitterness or sourness. As a result, there are a lot of echinacea pollen on the market to make a variety of health foods, and its natural extracts are also widely used in the field of health care products.

Health Benefits of Echinacea

Boost immune system

This is because the chemicals in this herb can directly affect the immune system. Regular intake of echinacea can reduce the chance of getting a cold, and when you have a cold, it will also shorten the duration of the cold.

Relieve upper respiratory problems

For those who often suffer from bronchitis etc., Echinacea can help reduce irritation and mucus deposits in these intestines. It also helps relieve cough, pharyngitis, etc.;

Pain relief

Echinacea can be taken orally or topically for pain relief, and a paste of this dried herb can be rubbed directly on the affected area.

Rainwood BIO-committed to plant extract research and development, has more than 15 years experience, certified with ISO9001, ISO22000, KOSHER, HALAL, ORGANIC CERTIFICATE. You will get the cheapest price and best quality from us. Welcome for your inquiry.

Increase in white blood cells

Echinacea does more than just stimulate cells, it also increases the production of white blood cells in the body, the workhorses of our daily battle against disease. Additionally, the herb contains a compound called echinacea, which actually inhibits bacteria and viruses from penetrating healthy cells, greatly reducing the chance of contracting the virus.

Reduce inflammation

The active chemicals in echinacea reduce pain from inflammation and irritation. Therefore, it is often recommended as a drug to improve joint pain. For the same reason, Echinacea oil is often applied to the skin to reduce the inflammation that people can develop when they spend too much time in the sun.

Skin care products

Many skin care products now contain echinacea extract, mainly because of its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effects.

Oral hygiene

Research has shown a link between echinacea consumption and a reduction in gingivitis, a bacterial infection. Regular supplementation can keep teeth strong and healthy.

Hair care products

Echinacea is also used by many people in toiletries to improve hair loss. The vitamins and minerals in it reach the hair follicles and cause hair growth.

Echinacea can be said to be a good botanical medicine. It is rich in nutrients and trace elements, has many functions, and has great benefits to the human body. Echinacea extract is now gradually expanding to health products, food, feed, cosmetics, dietary supplements and other fields. Products containing Echinacea have been seen everywhere on the market, and the types are also increasing.

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